Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Where are the days?

Where are the days when we used to relish every small thing?
Playing cricket/khokho/chain chain/vishamrit/hide n seek/nariyal/stapoo/cycling/skating etc.. on streets for hours without being worried of being tanned/falling sick; buying nice/things to munch for Rs 1-5; purchasing burgers/patties at school canteens for Rs5/Rs 10; relishing small cinema treat given by parents; going to school fates, friends' bday parties at homes, long strolls with friends, only having a landline at home with 'no mobiles', traveling on Bajaj Super with the whole family, comics.......

I can count/remember such endless things which are almost gone today. Life was simple earlier with limited options, yet enjoyable! Today, you have access to all amenities with an irony of 'No Time' to enjoy those!!

Are we becoming a machine? Running and doing a mundane routine day-in-day out? Virtual word around has taken away all real life pleasures, and this scenario is going to worsen...

How much I wish to go back to those carefree days - to drink coca cola, travel on 2-wheeler (sunny/priya/chetak), go for those lovely long walks in parks, not captivated to mobiles, spending time with family and friends, eat without worrying of health............Gone are the days of freedom and simplicity