Saturday, November 7, 2009

Loner or Looser

Hello, I am back after a long hectic day. Before I jump to the topic for blog, I wanted to give a quick one line review on the movie "Ajab Prem kee gajab kahani". I managed to watch this movie a while ago. A decent and cute movie to watch, though doesn't live upto the expectations of 4 star rating. Ranbir and Katrina look hot!!
Moving back to the blog, I was speaking to a friend a while ago, discussing about how it feels to be a loner in life! I think everyone undergoes the thought of being a loner at sometime in their life. Some people relate loner to being a looser, which is unfortunately not correct! A person who looks a loner may not always be such by force/circumastances. Sometime people prefer to be alone and be with themselves. It is a decision by choice, not force. A thin line exists between these 2 concepts of Loner and Looser. You may be happiest person, when you are all alone. You may cherish your company; look for spenindg quality time with self. Is this the trait of being a looser or not normal? Why do people generally tend to relate loneliness of a person with failure or sorrow? How many of us can really enjoy being alone and do self introspection? In today's competitive time and cut throat competition, people are running a blind race. How many times we think to slow down and do what we wish? Rather, how many of us even think, what we want to do? The answer is not many! We have a mental block of relating the loneliness to depression/sorrows/problems. We run away from every possible opportunity to confront ourselves. Is this is the solution? Well, I am afraid, the answer is no! It is required and is good to talk to ourself, analyze what we do and take sensible decisions. Being a loner may be one of the best options, when you can't trust anyone around you!
The question of mingling loner with looser may not be the best of idea. A looser can be anyone amongst you, could be any normal socializing guy! He/She may or may not be the best of companions, or socialites. But one common thing among all loosers is the ability to give up hope even before trying. They loose even before the race has begun. Some loosers may laugh with others, socialize and continue to do what they think is correct, even without realizing their mistakes.
In nutshell, to be alone is not a sign of being a looser. Next time you see someone talking to self or being quiet; do not immediately judge them as looser. You never know what that loner could become in life!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

What is Life?

This is my first attempt at blogging, so not sure if it is going to be a great piece.
The subject I am picking for my first blog is 'LIFE'. These 4 letters include everything in it; people spend their lives figuring out the meaning of this 4 letter word!! I am also trying to be one in this race
Life to me has different meanings, experiences, emotions, memories, learning, among others. Life has surprises waiting for you at every corner!! It is the biggest teacher. It is a journey with a definite starting (birth) and ending (death) point. The intricacy of this journey lies in the fact that the route/ways of this journey is different for everyone/destined earlier!! though some have the guts to change the courses/routes, and find the ways themselves.... everyone is running in this finite race, without a clue of the end point/end date/end time... what you do during this race/journey/how you live, is most important.....

It is up to one how he wants to shape his journey and make it memorable. Everyone has few dreams/wishes in life for which they strive, some may be content with the things in hand, some like me may be an un-satisfied soul and continue to dig deeper to find/achieve more..... This life will teach you everything, show you all facets (happiness, tough times, romance, friendships, adolescence, youth, and old age). Will give you chance and choice at each step to be what you want to be.... Onus lies with u!!!

People spend lives cribbing about the things which have happened wrong with them, what they forget to realize is the root cause for the time! It is 'you', who took the decision to do what you wish... positive/negatives will stay with you...

Life is simple, it is we who make it complicated... we should try to take command of our life and decid what we to do/achieve... As an optimist, I can say Life is beautiful, not as bad, as people perceive it to be... ONE LIFE, MAKE THE MAX!!!